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info@afr.lt +370 683 35940


With Recruitment Advisory services, we provide high-level consultancy and a dedicated Training and Recruitment professional who creates and leads training sessions for your internal Talent Acquisition team or Hiring Managers that are actively involved in hiring processes. Our training session combines both theoretical and practical parts and each of the sessions is individually focused on your company’s needs. After the training session we can provide all the material for the future perspective and your internal usage.

Possible topics:

Market situation overview in 2022

Advanced sourcing tools and techniques

Interviewing: best practices and practical examples

Personal Branding: Hiring Manager as the brand of the company

Relationship between Hiring Manager and Recruiter – how to collaborate better

Successful recruitment process: how to manage risks and not to loose Talents

For more information please contact

Inga Jončienė – Training Project Manager

ij@afr.lt +37060209226


5+ years as a Trainer @Telia Company

3+ years as a Senior Recruiter @AFR

110+ placements (from Software Developers to C level)

30+ Recruitment Training Sessions for managers, recruiters, both public & private sectors

Training session will be led by Inga Jončienė
Training Project Manager & Senior Recruitment Consultant

Solution: WEB Partners

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